***Note: Please review my updated review policies. I am accepting books for review at this time on a case by case basis.***
Austenesque Authors: I will review works in this genre by solicitation only. If you are an Austenesque Author or publisher/publicist for an Austenesque author send me an email (author.kate.dana@gmail.com) request to and I will be more than happy to consider your book for review. Note: Solicitations for erotic/erotica will not be accepted. I tried it once and this genre is just not to my tastes with regards to Jane Austen.
Why by solicitation only?
I write Austen inspired works myself and as a result I feel that it is only appropriate that I review works in the genre at the Author or Author’s publicist/publisher’s request only.
Will all requests for review be accepted?
No. I used to accept every request, but I suffered burn out. I run this blog and do book reviews for fun and because I enjoy it. Since I am more selective with what books I will accept for review, if you are a new author I may request a plot synopsis and a preview of the first couple chapters before making a decision about whether to accept your request.
What books will I accept?
I accept self-published, indie or traditionally published books.
What format do I accept?
Physical books preferred, but I will accept PDF or e-reader versions.
Where will your book review be posted?
Here at For the Love of Austen and on GOODREADS. Per request, please specify in your email if you would like your review to also be posted on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.
How long will it take for you to review my book?
It will depend on my current schedule. If I believe it will take me longer than a month, then I will notify you by email when I accept your request for review.
What can you expect if I review your book?
I strive to give an honest opinion. I cannot always promise a favorable review, but I can promise that if I do not like your work that I will only give constructive criticism. You will be notified by email when your review will be posted.
Do you have a book you would like reviewed?
Send an email request to author.kate.dana@gmail.com.
FTC Disclaimer: No compensation is received for any book review.